O Lord, how glorious is Thy potent name! It speaks of Thy might and extols Thy fame. O Lord, how kind, merciful and just! Carest for all who place in Thee full trust. O Lord, how grand majestic is Thy form! In wind and rain Thou livest in storm. — Swami Ramdas How I understand it: With the use of the catchy rhyme scheme of couplets — AA, BB, CC — in this poem, Beloved Papa has explained the attributes of the Divine. Beloved Papa never tired of extolling the power and glory of the Divine Name, he said: “Just as staff is to one who walks up a steep hill, just as a fence is to a tender plant, just as milk is to a hungry babe, so is the Divine Name given by the Guru to the devotee. It sustains, nourishes, strengthens and in every way envelops the devotee like an amour. The power of the Name is simply inexpressible. It is sweeter than the sweetest. To taste it is to taste immortality. It is the giver of endless joy and peace. Death has no terror for him who has th...