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In the mysterious silence of the soul The Void is full — of a calm repose — a joy of peace. There thoughts are still and words are dumb, It is neither yea nor nay, Worlds like shadows flit and pass through it. In it light and darkness lose distinction, Sounds waft over it — like distant echoes of its own being, A Truth sublime in which is blended strangely Eternal motion and eternal rest. — Swami Ramdas   How I understand it: In this poem, Beloved Papa has described the Truth as the point where the so-called opposites meet, co-exist and losing distinction, reaching the state of equilibrium — Samatwam. The Truth or Void is also as Beloved Papa elsewhere put it: “All-containing but still eluding the grasp of thought.” It is the point where there is calmness and peace even in the exuberance of joy, where yea and nay, light and darkness, motion and rest co-exist, but lose all distinction. In this vast infinity of the Void, worlds come into existence, stay for a while and pass on.